Louie Giglio has put out a 5 part series of his "How Great Is Our God Tour". If you want to see all 5 parts you can see them by going to Youtube and typing in his name. Some of you may have seen this and if you have, you know what a life changing event it can be for the Christian and the non Christian. Please take about 10 minutes to watch this video. You will never be the same:)
My prayer is that this blog will reflect the love and respect I have for others and for my Lord Jesus. I hope this page will be one of peace and I want you to know I am definitely interested in you - your good days, bad days, any kind of days :) Feel free to ask questions, but be ready for honest answers. I hope you enjoy my rantings and my pics and maybe there is someone out there to whom we may have something in common :) Make yourself at home :)
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
We (hubby and myself) spent a wonderful two days with our 3 oldest grandchildren - Joseph, 9; JoyAnn 6; Jesse 6, over the week-end. So much to do,and so little time! We had been working on some ornaments to give to their Mom and Dad, as we were learning that it was "more blessed to give than to receive." There was flour flyin', measuring cups rattling, laughter and more laughter as we proceeded to make decorated pressed cookies!
Then on to decorating!
After a trip to see Christmas lights, it was on to baking Gingerbread Cookies!
And experimentation with lavender and lime icing......lol........loved it:)
After watching some Christmas t.v.and listening to Christmas carols, it was indeed a beautiful time together. We talked quite a bit about the true meaning of Christmas and you can believe they got lots of hugs and kisses while visiting. I must say, they were pretty worn out by the time we took them home the next day.
Their two little twin brothers, Jonathan and James will turn one year old on the 20th. There are just some things a mother and grandmother cherish in their hearts. Memories of the last time I saw my youngest son skipping to the bus and KNOWing that would be the last time he would skip. Seeing my little James put his little fist into the air and, after a little thought, point his tiny index finger up, indicating he would be "1" soon!
So many memories, and so little time. And if, per chance I should lose those precious memories here on earth, I know my heavenly Father will hold them safe until I go to be with Him.
Friday, November 19, 2010
My latest Backyard Visitor!!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
This is the Day - Travis Cottrell - Jesus Saves Live (2010)
Listen to the words very carefully.......they exploded in my mind and spirit
today and gave me peace........I hope it will do the same for you :)
God bless you on this blessed Lord's Day!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Ok, I'm Up For Suggestions! HOW CAN I IMPROVE MY BLOG?
I realize it probably takes a long time to get consistent readers and followers of one's blog, but I have only gained 3 friends since December of 2009, and, (I love you all), but you don't come around much anymore.
But you could say the same about me.....where did she go? Well, I'm on Facebook, playing games, talking to friends I know and others I do not. Hmmmm, not such a wise use of time? Yes and no. I have met some wonderful people on Facebook who just want and need someone to talk with. Many have disabilities and cannot work, and this is their only link to something even close to friendship and family.
If there's one reason God put me here on this earth for, it's to "listen", listen attentively, listen caringly, thoughtfully and genuinely.
Sometimes I speak when I should listen. And sometimes I do too much listening and not enough speaking...lol
For example, day before yesterday I went out to run an errand. I was going to stop by the gas company and pay for rental of the tank, then stop by the Dollar Store and get some spider spray.
To make a long story short, I met a little older lady there who just began to strike up a conversation-----an hour and a half later, we are still standing there talking. I've done this before.....I can't bring myself to leave or excuse myself because I figure this person has a need; they need someone to listen and really "hear" what they're saying. More often than not, it is someone I do not know at all, have never met, but for some reason they gravitate towards me.
Well, apparently my blog is not causing people to gravitate towards me, but that's not why I put the blog here in the first place. It was to help you gravitate towards God, to get you to think, to help you get into a peaceful place.
And guess what!! I came onto my blog today and "I"! found a peaceful place! I loved the soft music, the pictures of my grandchildren almost made me cry with inner joy! But, I realize I'm new to this blogging thing and am ready for some suggestions:)
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
A Day We Will Never Forget - September 11, 2001
Hello, to anyone who may pass this way. It has been quite a while since I have written on my blog. But as I am watching the television and "re-living" for one day, what the families of over 3,000 people relive everyday, I couldn't go on without saying something.
On this day, September 11, 2001, our nation was shaken to it's core. I believe most of you could tell me exactly where you were and what you were doing when you found out about the attacks on the Twin Towers in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and then the downing of Flight 93 over Pennsylvania.
I was sitting in my bed drinking a cup of coffee and watching the news. What began as an ordinary day to me, became very extraordinary, awful, feelings of disbelief. As I sat on the bed, I remember my hand coming to my mouth as I gasped when I saw the second plane hit the towers. Then I knew in my heart, this was no accident. I think most of us knew in our hearts that the first plane hitting was no accident, but you try to come up with some kind of logical, rational explanation........when there is no logic, rhyme or reason to what happened on that day. So, for the past 9 years, we have tried to fight terrorism wherever it has taken a hold and many of our precious men and women in uniform have sacrificed their lives, yet again, for the safety and freedom which our country holds so dear. I am thankful that, at that time, we had a President, President George W. Bush, who was not ashamed to ask God for wisdom in our hour of need.
I send my loving prayers to all the families who lost dear ones on this date 9 years ago. You, and they, will never be forgotten. Never, ever. That is why now, today, and always, we should do what the Holy Bible tells us to do:
"Encourage one another and build each other up."
- I Thessalonians 5:11 NIV
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed,
for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold
you with my righteous right hand." - Isaiah 41:10 NIV
Take comfort in these words spoken by my Lord in the book of John 11: 25&26:
(Jesus was speaking to his dear friend Martha, whose brother Lazarus had died, and was questioning the Lord as to why he took so long to get there. She felt surely her Lord would have come quickly and saved her brother from death.)
Beginning at verse 23:
"Jesus said to her (Martha), "Your brother will rise again." Martha answered, "I know he will rise again
in the resurrection at the last day." Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes
in me will live, even though he dies: and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?"
And so, I guess for some of you, that may be the big question: Do you believe in Him? In Jesus Christ? Have you had doubts about this world we live in or why you are here? You were put here for a purpose.
If you really, sincerely, want answers to lifes questions and quandries, then I'd like to invite you to please read the entire book of John in the New Testament. Learn more about this "Jesus" who came to earth for one reason, to die for you and save you from your sins, so that you might have everlasting life and life abundant!
Also, read through the Psalms in the Old Testament as there are many beautiful and uplifting passages.
If you have any questions, get in touch with me and I will try to answer them for you, with God's help :)
On this day, September 11, 2001, our nation was shaken to it's core. I believe most of you could tell me exactly where you were and what you were doing when you found out about the attacks on the Twin Towers in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and then the downing of Flight 93 over Pennsylvania.
I was sitting in my bed drinking a cup of coffee and watching the news. What began as an ordinary day to me, became very extraordinary, awful, feelings of disbelief. As I sat on the bed, I remember my hand coming to my mouth as I gasped when I saw the second plane hit the towers. Then I knew in my heart, this was no accident. I think most of us knew in our hearts that the first plane hitting was no accident, but you try to come up with some kind of logical, rational explanation........when there is no logic, rhyme or reason to what happened on that day. So, for the past 9 years, we have tried to fight terrorism wherever it has taken a hold and many of our precious men and women in uniform have sacrificed their lives, yet again, for the safety and freedom which our country holds so dear. I am thankful that, at that time, we had a President, President George W. Bush, who was not ashamed to ask God for wisdom in our hour of need.
I send my loving prayers to all the families who lost dear ones on this date 9 years ago. You, and they, will never be forgotten. Never, ever. That is why now, today, and always, we should do what the Holy Bible tells us to do:
"Encourage one another and build each other up."
- I Thessalonians 5:11 NIV
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed,
for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold
you with my righteous right hand." - Isaiah 41:10 NIV
Take comfort in these words spoken by my Lord in the book of John 11: 25&26:
(Jesus was speaking to his dear friend Martha, whose brother Lazarus had died, and was questioning the Lord as to why he took so long to get there. She felt surely her Lord would have come quickly and saved her brother from death.)
Beginning at verse 23:
"Jesus said to her (Martha), "Your brother will rise again." Martha answered, "I know he will rise again
in the resurrection at the last day." Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes
in me will live, even though he dies: and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?"
And so, I guess for some of you, that may be the big question: Do you believe in Him? In Jesus Christ? Have you had doubts about this world we live in or why you are here? You were put here for a purpose.
If you really, sincerely, want answers to lifes questions and quandries, then I'd like to invite you to please read the entire book of John in the New Testament. Learn more about this "Jesus" who came to earth for one reason, to die for you and save you from your sins, so that you might have everlasting life and life abundant!
Also, read through the Psalms in the Old Testament as there are many beautiful and uplifting passages.
If you have any questions, get in touch with me and I will try to answer them for you, with God's help :)
Monday, July 19, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Cucumbers are In! Let the Pickling Begin!
Okay, so I haven't done any pickling or canning in about 15-20 years...........I decided yesterday to make some dill pickles. Went out to the garden and found way more than I expected (which is what usually happens with cukes, as they hide under their leaves.......makes it kinda fun, like an easter egg hunt).
I decided I would do the pickling this year........last year my husband did them. Didn't have any quart jars, but some of the cucumbers were not really long enough for quart jars, so some of them I just cut in half and then placed in pint jars. Using FRESH DILL this year! Nothing compares to fresh anything really, but we didn't grow dill last year, so used stuff out of the bottle. Not the same. And when I went to the grocery store to try to buy fresh dill......it was limp, and WAY over priced.
My recipe was simple. One large clove cut in half placed in the bottom of jars, followed by a precise placement of the cucumbers so as they would look nice in the jars, followed by a fresh sprig of dill, then came the brine. Made way too much of it, but it was about 12 cups of water, to 4 cups of white vinegar and 2/3c. of pickling salt. Bring to a boil and pour that over your cukes, put the lids on and you're done!
Sounds easy, except I forgot to put my jars in a pan of very hot water, which lowered the temperature of the brine enough that about 4 jars did not seal. I remembered that little fact AFTER the fact. Oh well, hope they will be ready in time for our big 4th of July Shindig.....the whole family comes over, about 15-20 of us and we gorge on hamburgers, hot dogs, pork and beans, potato salad, pickles, dessert, and, of course, watermelon!
I'll let you know how these cute little pickles turned out.
By the way, I also used FRESH GARLIC in them. Last Fall, my husband took some regular cloves that we'd gotten from the supermarket and planted them. We have loads of huge bulbs of fresh garlic! There is a difference. When you've tasted really fresh garlic, you won't want to buy them from the store again.
Have been eating Swiss Chard, Beet Greens (yes, the greens that grow on top of the beets...lol), lots of lettuce and putting in some of the fresh peas that were planted April 1st of this year. The peas are about gone, love them right out of the pod........ummmmm.....so sweet!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Father's Day, Daddy :)
This tribute is to my "Daddy". For us Southern girls, "Father", is just too formal. I'm 61 years old and am still a "Daddy's girl". I love my Daddy. I've always loved my Daddy! But, as is true in so many instances, you don't really understand the true worth of your parents until you've become one.
We helped my Daddy celebrate his 80th birthday last June, 2009. We had a big shindig with lots of family, friends and acquaintances coming by to give him their special blessings. We (my two brothers and I), gave my Daddy a "VoiceQuilt". If you've never heard of a voice quilt and want to give a very special and unique gift, check out http://www.voicequilt.com/. It can make a special occasion even more special!
It's amazing how, as you get older, suddenly your parents have become much more wise than you imagined. I now know and understand some of the things my Daddy went through when we were growing up.
My Daddy was a hard working man. He always made sure we kids had what we needed, and as often as possible, some things we wanted. He went without at times, just like my mother, to make sure we kids had what we needed.
My Daddy is a godly man. He's a faithful, caring, giving, man. He has been through the fire more than once, and has proven to be rock solid. He believes when you make a commitment, you should keep that commitment. I thought he was a little strict on us kids when growing up. However, what he was doing was bringing us up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.........something that is sadly lacking in a lot of homes today.
My Dad married my mother when he was just 17 years old. But he took his vows seriously and was faithful to my mother "until death do we part", shy one month of 51 years. She passed away 12 years ago after many years of illnesses. He never made her feel that she were a burden.....not one minute.
Is my Daddy without faults? No.........but he has certainly become the Patriarch of our big family and has attained the type of character that many people admire, including myself.
Even at age 81, he still manages to take time to go to the nursing homes and visit those people who have not been as fortunate as he.
Daddy, if you read this, just know that you are so loved. I know there have been times over the years where I have disappointed or hurt you in some way. I ask you to forgive for those times I knew about, and those I did not. I just hope at least half the character you have, has rubbed off on me somewhat.
I love you, Daddy......today and always, Sissy:)
We helped my Daddy celebrate his 80th birthday last June, 2009. We had a big shindig with lots of family, friends and acquaintances coming by to give him their special blessings. We (my two brothers and I), gave my Daddy a "VoiceQuilt". If you've never heard of a voice quilt and want to give a very special and unique gift, check out http://www.voicequilt.com/. It can make a special occasion even more special!
It's amazing how, as you get older, suddenly your parents have become much more wise than you imagined. I now know and understand some of the things my Daddy went through when we were growing up.
My Daddy was a hard working man. He always made sure we kids had what we needed, and as often as possible, some things we wanted. He went without at times, just like my mother, to make sure we kids had what we needed.
My Daddy is a godly man. He's a faithful, caring, giving, man. He has been through the fire more than once, and has proven to be rock solid. He believes when you make a commitment, you should keep that commitment. I thought he was a little strict on us kids when growing up. However, what he was doing was bringing us up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.........something that is sadly lacking in a lot of homes today.
My Dad married my mother when he was just 17 years old. But he took his vows seriously and was faithful to my mother "until death do we part", shy one month of 51 years. She passed away 12 years ago after many years of illnesses. He never made her feel that she were a burden.....not one minute.
Is my Daddy without faults? No.........but he has certainly become the Patriarch of our big family and has attained the type of character that many people admire, including myself.
Even at age 81, he still manages to take time to go to the nursing homes and visit those people who have not been as fortunate as he.
Daddy, if you read this, just know that you are so loved. I know there have been times over the years where I have disappointed or hurt you in some way. I ask you to forgive for those times I knew about, and those I did not. I just hope at least half the character you have, has rubbed off on me somewhat.
I love you, Daddy......today and always, Sissy:)
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Lest you Think Me Pious or "Holier than Thou" - please read:)
'A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ
that a man should have to seek Him first to find her.'
When I say that 'I am a Christian', I am not shouting that 'I am clean living'.
I'm whispering 'I was lost but now I'm found and forgiven.'
When I say 'I am a Christian' I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble and need Christ to be my guide.
When I say 'I am a Christian' I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak and need His strength to carry on.
When I say 'I am a Christian' I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed and need God to clean my mess.
When I say 'I am a Christian' I'm not claiming to be perfect.
My flaws are far too visible but God believes I am worth it.
When I say 'I am a Christian' I still feel the sting of pain.
I have my share of heartaches so I call upon His name.
When I say 'I am a Christian' I'm not holier than thou,
I'm just a simple sinner who received God's good grace, somehow!
that a man should have to seek Him first to find her.'
When I say that 'I am a Christian', I am not shouting that 'I am clean living'.
I'm whispering 'I was lost but now I'm found and forgiven.'
When I say 'I am a Christian' I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble and need Christ to be my guide.
When I say 'I am a Christian' I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak and need His strength to carry on.
When I say 'I am a Christian' I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed and need God to clean my mess.
When I say 'I am a Christian' I'm not claiming to be perfect.
My flaws are far too visible but God believes I am worth it.
When I say 'I am a Christian' I still feel the sting of pain.
I have my share of heartaches so I call upon His name.
When I say 'I am a Christian' I'm not holier than thou,
I'm just a simple sinner who received God's good grace, somehow!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Today is my oldest Son and his Wife's Anniversary!! 15 Years!

glitter-graphics.com God has worked many miracles in their lives, as you can see from the five little lives God has given them:)
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
If you're a crocheter like me, and haven't done so yet, go to: http://www.lionbrandyarn.com/. You can sign up for a free account and will get free patterns in your e-mail from time to time. This summer they will have a different dishcloth pattern each week!
This is the Sylvan Star Washcloth.
I can tell you from experience, not all projects turn out exactly as you'd like. Recently, I made the washcloth pictured below: This is how it looked when done (just
made up my own pattern).
This is how it looked after first wash!
Which goes to show, the old saying, "You're only as strong as your weakest link", is SO true! lol
Oh well, will try again, HOWEVER, will use a larger gauge yarn this time:)
No more lightweight cotton yarn on washcloths.
This patterned washcloth is called "Southbeach Washcloth Set".
Friday, May 7, 2010
Poems God Gave Me
I heard a wayward cry today,
From someone not too far away,
A cry of loneliness and despair,
A person bound with so many cares.
Sometimes our laughter, smiles and such,
Can hide such pain that's way too much
For us to bear alone, you see
And that is why we have need of Thee.
Lord help me to relay and share,
My love for one who feels so uncared,
Allow me to put my own needs aside
And let me show where they can hide.
Life comes at us way too fast
And precious moments do not always last,
There's only One in whom we hope,
Will ease the hurts, the pains, the mopes,
For longings each one of us feel from time to time
But you must let me know
He'll put His arms around you dear
And hold you to his breast so near
He'll show you again the reason why
He came upon this earth to die.
__K.S. Flint
I heard a wayward cry today,
From someone not too far away,
A cry of loneliness and despair,
A person bound with so many cares.
Sometimes our laughter, smiles and such,
Can hide such pain that's way too much
For us to bear alone, you see
And that is why we have need of Thee.
Lord help me to relay and share,
My love for one who feels so uncared,
Allow me to put my own needs aside
And let me show where they can hide.
Life comes at us way too fast
And precious moments do not always last,
There's only One in whom we hope,
Will ease the hurts, the pains, the mopes,
For longings each one of us feel from time to time
And cover up with one huge mime,
Longings for peace and comfort and quiet
To be understood and to be enlightened
Let us all come together and lift each other upLongings for peace and comfort and quiet
To be understood and to be enlightened
On days when we just can't cope.
For you are the Father of all who will see
That there's no way to be truly joyful without Thee.
For you are the Father of all who will see
That there's no way to be truly joyful without Thee.
But you must let me know
What kind of special prayers you need to grow,
Past all the weeds and thistles there,
That seem to crowd around despair
With each verse that's read or song that's sung,
Another weed will be undone!
And soon the Son we'll feel again
His warmth and strength we will regain
As we place our all with the great I AM!His warmth and strength we will regain
He'll put His arms around you dear
And hold you to his breast so near
He'll show you again the reason why
He came upon this earth to die.
__K.S. Flint
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Which roses? Don't make me decide..........
Or I'll buy them all!! "Hubby" and I sat down tonight to decide what roses to buy for our new place. We moved over a year ago and so our landscaping endeavors are beginning again....We left our mark from where we came. We are both avid lovers of plants, flowers, gardening, gettin' down and dirty (well, I have to admit I don't get as dirty as "hubby"...lol). We planted two different types of roses last year and one has died. It was a beautiful lavender rose, similar to this one: It's called "Sweetness Grandiflora Rose".
Or maybe this one, "Summer of Love Hybrid Tea Rose":
If you have a rose garden, I would love to see pictures of them. Feel free to share them with me! You must already have figured out how much I enjoy flowers:)
I do think we've decided on a mixture, though. When the deal is done, I'll let you know!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Oldest Son and Wife!
This picture was taken a few days after our new twins arrived. Little Jonathan had trouble breathing the first few days, so this was the first time Mom and Dad got to hold him. Aren't they handsome and gorgeous! But then I'm a little biased :)
Happy Birthday Anth!!
This is our youngest son, along with his beautiful wife. He is celebrating his 31st birthday today, April 12th! He takes after his Dad mostly..........very giving, loving, caring, talented, and absolutely adores his precious wife! I now have the two daughters I had hoped I would have someday!
They are both so talented at so many things.......music, art, crafts, computer builder.........and the list could go on and on from this proud mama!1
They are both so talented at so many things.......music, art, crafts, computer builder.........and the list could go on and on from this proud mama!1
Monday, April 12, 2010
Meet my "Hubby"!
This is "Hubby". He is the sweetest, dearest, most caring and forgiving man I know. He really does love me unconditionally. We have no secrets......we share the good and the bad. The good takes care of itself, but bad begs forgiveness. I keep telling him I'm not worthy of him or the great love he's shown me over the years, will be 37 years this October.
He's absolutely the most important person to me this side of Heaven.
He grew up on a farm! Taught school for 25 years then took an early retirement this past year.
I can say without hesitation that he truly loves me the way Christ loves the church. He asks for nothing for himself......only one thing........that I love him, which I do with all my heart. He has never had expectations of me more than to just be myself.
"Hubby" is a hard working man.........it's very hard for him to stay still:) Hard work for him comes naturally and is quite enjoyable for him. And, as a father, well they just don't get any better. He took lots of time with our boys when they were growing up to pass down all the neat things he knows, like how to rebuild engines; overhaul a transmission; take care of cattle; how to fish and hunt. He has taught them about life in such a different way than myself. We always taught our 2 boys that no matter what they chose to do in life, do it with all their might and to the best of their abilities. Both of our sons have grown up and married beautiful ladies, inside and out! Our oldest and his wife have given us 5 precious grandchildren! Now I ask you, what more could a wife and mother want? How blessed am I!!
He's absolutely the most important person to me this side of Heaven.
He grew up on a farm! Taught school for 25 years then took an early retirement this past year.
I can say without hesitation that he truly loves me the way Christ loves the church. He asks for nothing for himself......only one thing........that I love him, which I do with all my heart. He has never had expectations of me more than to just be myself.
"Hubby" is a hard working man.........it's very hard for him to stay still:) Hard work for him comes naturally and is quite enjoyable for him. And, as a father, well they just don't get any better. He took lots of time with our boys when they were growing up to pass down all the neat things he knows, like how to rebuild engines; overhaul a transmission; take care of cattle; how to fish and hunt. He has taught them about life in such a different way than myself. We always taught our 2 boys that no matter what they chose to do in life, do it with all their might and to the best of their abilities. Both of our sons have grown up and married beautiful ladies, inside and out! Our oldest and his wife have given us 5 precious grandchildren! Now I ask you, what more could a wife and mother want? How blessed am I!!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
This Coming Easter!
This week I was reading again the account of the Crucifixion of Jesus and the events leading up to that moment. Having been brought up in a Christian home since I was born, I've read those passages before many times, but they now seem so overwhelmingly powerful. I am so amazed and totally undone to think about what He went through for me, and you. My finite mind cannot comprehend that kind of love! The suffering, the mocking, the scourging, and then the actual crucifixion. Jesus shed his precious blood for me. If you really stop and think about that moment in history, and what POWER there is in the blood of Jesus. All the way through the Old Testament, there had to be a sacrifice for sin, there had to be blood shed in order for the Hebrew people to receive redemption for their sins...........they would bring a lamb.......without defect........for the sacrifice. Jesus was the Lamb that was slain........the perfect lamb.........the last sacrifice.....without blemish. So that if we just believe that well known verse in the Bible, "For God so loved the world, that He gave his only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)
Thank God! My salvation did not end at the cross, but began at an empty tomb 3 days later!! Jesus arose from the dead and is alive today! He sits at the right hand of God the Father. Wow..............what comfort, what joy, what peace.......to know that He loved me that much! To know there is nothing I can do to deserve that kind of love, but to accept it. And that I can have eternal life in Him by just believing. So, at this Easter time, I say Hallelujah to the Risen Lord..........the Lamb that was slain for me. mimito5
Thank God! My salvation did not end at the cross, but began at an empty tomb 3 days later!! Jesus arose from the dead and is alive today! He sits at the right hand of God the Father. Wow..............what comfort, what joy, what peace.......to know that He loved me that much! To know there is nothing I can do to deserve that kind of love, but to accept it. And that I can have eternal life in Him by just believing. So, at this Easter time, I say Hallelujah to the Risen Lord..........the Lamb that was slain for me. mimito5
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Saturday, March 6, 2010
A Time When "Manure" Smelled SO GOOD!
Most people, when you say you've lived in New York, think of the city. Think as far from that as you can, and you come to some of the most beautiful country farmland God has ever made!
I was commenting to another blogger about my take on "manure" - she said it would be good to write it down here in my blog, so I will :)
My husband is originally from Western, NY. He lived in a little town called Pike, close to Bliss, close to Warsaw, but so you'll really understand where it's located, it's about 50 miles southeast of Buffalo. When we met, he was living here in Western, NC. That's a whole other story about God's divine working in two peoples' lives. I'll explain about that in another post.
We had often talked about going up to NY to live. At the time, we had a young son 18 months old and I'd never really been anywhere except close within the confines of western NC. We decided to move up and give it a try!
I got a big western NY welcome when it snowed on Mother's Day :) We had only been there a few days and were moving into the old farmhouse that belonged to my husband's grandfather, and was, indeed, the place where HIS mother was born (in a little tiny room off from the bathroom-was the birthing room). I used it as a playroom for my son after we had moved. This sweet little Southern gal was ready to rough it. lol......oh ignorance is such bliss! I grew up in a factory village where there were lots of houses close together and always enough kids to make a ball team, or play "rock school" or "kick the can", or hide and seek.......well you get the gist.....things most of today's kids would think were "lame". lol
Ok, back at the farmhouse.......our closest neighbor was at least a half mile to a mile away. When it snowed, nothing stopped, everything kept on going as usual. But the snow plows were always out, everyday, several times a day.
From my perspective, I think it snowed the most up there the three years we were there. By roughing it, I mean we totally heated with wood, there was no other form of heat in the house. I also cooked on a wood cook stove, for which I was responsible for keeping MY firewood cut, while my husband kept the larger chunks cut for the big huge stove in the living room.....which by the way, heated the whole upstairs as well. One day a man came to our back door holding up a big fat Canadian Goose he'd killed while hunting on the spread. He wanted me to have it as a "thank you" for allowing him to hunt on the property. I didn't know anything about dressing out anything! So, my husband did the dirty work when he got home and I found a luscious recipe for cooked goose with bread and apple stuffing. That was the first and last goose I've cooked. :)
We spent our last winter there when the weather was the harshest. I can remember going through a blizzard with winds sustained at 70 mph, gusts more than that -- watching our windows bow in until we thought they would burst. I wanted to totally experience this blizzard, so I took a walk outside, right into the wind and it didn't take long to get back inside because the snow blown at that rate made it feel like little needles were being pierced into my legs and body...lol. Ok, it was probably a little dumb, but I'd never been in a blizzard before and I wanted to "experience" it. I did, I went back into the house, and I'll never do that again.
There was farmland all around us, I mean hundreds of acres as far as the eye could see. The first year we were there, beans had been sown into the leased fields around us. Gleaning is such a wonderful thing......goes way back into the Old Testament when the Lord was giving his rules to the Israelites. They were to always leave a little around the edges for those who were without, to go in and pick what was left over. That year we had no need to plant beans!
I became pregnant with our second son while living in New York. I remember he was born April 12th, and a week before he arrived, it snowed so bad, my husband had to climb out the window to shovel enough snow to open the front door. And yes, I was still hauling wood that late in my pregnancy, but only small pieces and very carefully.
Ok, I know I'm going on and on, now down to the manure. After close to 3 years of living in an area where you saw nothing green from sometimes late October until April or May, I had super cabin fever. I went out onto the back porch to enjoy the sunshine and then I smelled it! Manure! Oh boy, it smelled so sweet. It meant the farmers were out, getting ready for Spring, getting ready to plant, getting ready for green!! So, to this day, I always love the smell of manure and thank God for it!! mimito5
I was commenting to another blogger about my take on "manure" - she said it would be good to write it down here in my blog, so I will :)
My husband is originally from Western, NY. He lived in a little town called Pike, close to Bliss, close to Warsaw, but so you'll really understand where it's located, it's about 50 miles southeast of Buffalo. When we met, he was living here in Western, NC. That's a whole other story about God's divine working in two peoples' lives. I'll explain about that in another post.
We had often talked about going up to NY to live. At the time, we had a young son 18 months old and I'd never really been anywhere except close within the confines of western NC. We decided to move up and give it a try!
I got a big western NY welcome when it snowed on Mother's Day :) We had only been there a few days and were moving into the old farmhouse that belonged to my husband's grandfather, and was, indeed, the place where HIS mother was born (in a little tiny room off from the bathroom-was the birthing room). I used it as a playroom for my son after we had moved. This sweet little Southern gal was ready to rough it. lol......oh ignorance is such bliss! I grew up in a factory village where there were lots of houses close together and always enough kids to make a ball team, or play "rock school" or "kick the can", or hide and seek.......well you get the gist.....things most of today's kids would think were "lame". lol
Ok, back at the farmhouse.......our closest neighbor was at least a half mile to a mile away. When it snowed, nothing stopped, everything kept on going as usual. But the snow plows were always out, everyday, several times a day.
From my perspective, I think it snowed the most up there the three years we were there. By roughing it, I mean we totally heated with wood, there was no other form of heat in the house. I also cooked on a wood cook stove, for which I was responsible for keeping MY firewood cut, while my husband kept the larger chunks cut for the big huge stove in the living room.....which by the way, heated the whole upstairs as well. One day a man came to our back door holding up a big fat Canadian Goose he'd killed while hunting on the spread. He wanted me to have it as a "thank you" for allowing him to hunt on the property. I didn't know anything about dressing out anything! So, my husband did the dirty work when he got home and I found a luscious recipe for cooked goose with bread and apple stuffing. That was the first and last goose I've cooked. :)
We spent our last winter there when the weather was the harshest. I can remember going through a blizzard with winds sustained at 70 mph, gusts more than that -- watching our windows bow in until we thought they would burst. I wanted to totally experience this blizzard, so I took a walk outside, right into the wind and it didn't take long to get back inside because the snow blown at that rate made it feel like little needles were being pierced into my legs and body...lol. Ok, it was probably a little dumb, but I'd never been in a blizzard before and I wanted to "experience" it. I did, I went back into the house, and I'll never do that again.
There was farmland all around us, I mean hundreds of acres as far as the eye could see. The first year we were there, beans had been sown into the leased fields around us. Gleaning is such a wonderful thing......goes way back into the Old Testament when the Lord was giving his rules to the Israelites. They were to always leave a little around the edges for those who were without, to go in and pick what was left over. That year we had no need to plant beans!
I became pregnant with our second son while living in New York. I remember he was born April 12th, and a week before he arrived, it snowed so bad, my husband had to climb out the window to shovel enough snow to open the front door. And yes, I was still hauling wood that late in my pregnancy, but only small pieces and very carefully.
Ok, I know I'm going on and on, now down to the manure. After close to 3 years of living in an area where you saw nothing green from sometimes late October until April or May, I had super cabin fever. I went out onto the back porch to enjoy the sunshine and then I smelled it! Manure! Oh boy, it smelled so sweet. It meant the farmers were out, getting ready for Spring, getting ready to plant, getting ready for green!! So, to this day, I always love the smell of manure and thank God for it!! mimito5
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Snowed like Crazy Today!
This is the beautiful view from our front yard! The snow was so beautiful, my husband and I got out in it for a while and took a few pics...........hope you enjoy!
Red on White
There's nothing quite so beautiful as the contrast of the red Cardinal against the falling white snow. My husband and I were talking this morning about how birds do not recognize colors the way we do. So I kinda think these bright colors were meant for me and you :)
Friday, February 19, 2010
A little Poem
I looked up at your stars tonight, as I so often do,
To see them sparkling oh so bright amidst the winter gloom.
I've claimed one for my own dear Lord, I hope that you don't mind,
It gives me comfort, joy and peace to dwell on the sublime.
I pray that each day I may be a picture of your love,
So others will see Jesus and want to dwell above.
Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings you have given me,
And may others who may read this want to be as close to thee. Mimi
To see them sparkling oh so bright amidst the winter gloom.
I've claimed one for my own dear Lord, I hope that you don't mind,
It gives me comfort, joy and peace to dwell on the sublime.
I pray that each day I may be a picture of your love,
So others will see Jesus and want to dwell above.
Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings you have given me,
And may others who may read this want to be as close to thee. Mimi
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Cabin Fever
Had to miss fellowship at our church again yesterday because of sickness. I'm beginning to get a little weary, because, for one, this is the second time I've been sick in one month. And secondly, we continue to get more snow at least twice a week. Not a whole lot, but it's so bitterly cold, it makes it very difficult to get out. Thus, the "cabin fever". But I do try to find something beautiful in each day and a couple of days ago, I saw these ---little bird tracks at the entrance to our back mud room. Knowing they were either seeking food or shelter made me thankful we were there for them:)
Monday, February 8, 2010
Furry Visitor
Good morning! It's Monday, and I got up and found this little furry guy at the bottom of my bird feeder. Some think of them as pests, but you have to admit they're pretty cute! He was enjoying his breakfast as I was mine. Stood out in the cold for quite a while trying to get a pic of our gorgeous Cardinal.....but he's still a little skiddish. I keep referring to "he's" because the males, of course, usually have more and brighter colors.....
Saturday, February 6, 2010
The REAL "boss" of our family :) Meet Leon
My husband had gone to Christmas party our church was having (I was sick and couldn't go) and when he came home, he had a little shoe box which he opened and this cute little 4-6 wk. old kitten raised it's little head out of the box. He was so hungry and had a big belly so we knew he had worms. We were SURE he was a girl, so we named her "Noel"....lol....but when we got to the vet we found out otherwise! So, we just reversed the name and Leon had arrived!
What a joy pets are. I am confident that the Lord places these little bundles of joy in our lives as sweet special companions to snuggle up to......tell our innermost thoughts to..........You know, pets love unconditionally, just like the Lord :) I'll get more pics of him on here soon! Mimi
Sunday, January 31, 2010
When I see the birds, and especially the sparrow, I can't help but think of this verse in Matthew 10: 29: "Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father." Those were Jesus' words. In other words, if He cares so much for the sparrow and knows when each one falls, does he not much more care for us?
I find these words to be very comforting and know that I am in His hands and He knows what's best for me.
Our church service was called off today because of the bad weather, so hubby and I will worship here at home. I pray you have a blessed day in the Lord.
Hallelujah to the Lamb that was slain!
Friday, January 29, 2010
My precious new twins
Jonathan - bottom
On Dec. 30, 2009, my daughter-in-law gave birth to two little boys.........preemies at just a little over 4 lbs. each, but are growing rapidly since being home! I've gone over to help out a few times, not as much as I had hoped at first. I got sick after the first couple times I'd been over to help, so I really missed the little fellas. Finally got back this week and had some special "cuddle" time with them, along with my 3 other precious grandchildren! Wow, they are the best helpers for mommy :)
Friday, January 1, 2010
New blogger and new grandma
Welcome to "Mimi's" archives.
I am a new blogger, and an older one. I will be 61 soon and have been married for 36 years to a wonderful man. Our meeting was not by accident. It was divinely ordained by my Lord, Jesus Christ. Maybe someday when I get more comfortable blogging, I will share my testimony about how we met. Yes, I am a follower of Jesus Christ, and without Him I am nothing.
My husband and I were blessed with two wonderful sons, Nathan and Anthony. They have since left home and married the most beautiful ladies, inside and out:) I like to think of them as the daughters I never had. One is Janelle, the other Casey.
Janelle just blessed our lives with another set of twins! Jonathan and James :) They have another set of twins named Jesse and JoyAnn, then their big brother is Joseph!
So, as you can see, "mimi" and "grandpa" are blessed as can be with grandchildren :) I would be interested in meeting other Christian "grandmas" to exchange ideas, blessings, prayer needs, etc. I also enjoy nature and taking photos for fun!
Well, I guess that's it for now. Mimi to 5
I am a new blogger, and an older one. I will be 61 soon and have been married for 36 years to a wonderful man. Our meeting was not by accident. It was divinely ordained by my Lord, Jesus Christ. Maybe someday when I get more comfortable blogging, I will share my testimony about how we met. Yes, I am a follower of Jesus Christ, and without Him I am nothing.
My husband and I were blessed with two wonderful sons, Nathan and Anthony. They have since left home and married the most beautiful ladies, inside and out:) I like to think of them as the daughters I never had. One is Janelle, the other Casey.
Janelle just blessed our lives with another set of twins! Jonathan and James :) They have another set of twins named Jesse and JoyAnn, then their big brother is Joseph!
So, as you can see, "mimi" and "grandpa" are blessed as can be with grandchildren :) I would be interested in meeting other Christian "grandmas" to exchange ideas, blessings, prayer needs, etc. I also enjoy nature and taking photos for fun!
Well, I guess that's it for now. Mimi to 5
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