Friday, November 19, 2010

My latest Backyard Visitor!!

DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS IS?   A rare picture of a Pileated Woodpecker, the largest of the woodpeckers species!!  Wow, now this IS the time I wish I had had a better camera.  These woodpeckers are huge.  Their body length can get as long as 16-19", and wing span from 26-32".  And when these fellas start hammering away on a tree, you can really hear it loud and clear :)  This one came right into my backyard woods area and allowed me to get this much of a photo of him:)


  1. Oh, my goodness! What I wouldn't give! He is beautiful and you have captured him perfectly. I love to watch the birds in my little backyard feeders, but I have never gotten a Pileated Woodpecker. I get a lot of Flickers and Downy Woodpeckers, though. I love it.

    Thanks, Mimi!

  2. Wow! Incredible! I first looked at the photo and thought, 'what is that'? It's beautiful. If it is rare, should you notify an area conservation department so they could note a sighting? I love bird watching. I've seen the red-headed woodpeckers (not 'sapsuckers'), the one with bright red head. I would say you got a GREAT shot! On a different note, what an touching and heartfelt comment you left on my blog. About singing hymns and how you do not take the words for granted. That is one thing that became real to me when I was saved--the hymns that I had sung as a child along with my Mother, suddenly made sense--the words became real. Cool, huh? Praise God! Have a great day!

  3. Hello Mimi To 5...found your blog thru Faithful Bloggers and decided to stop by. Your picture of the woodpecker is wonderful, and in your backyard..WoW...I'm new to blogging and even though I have a lot to learn I'm really enjoying myself..Stop by for visit...Mary

  4. Hi MiMi this MeMe thinks this is a great place to be. I cannot believe the twins are almost one. Briley just turned 5. Love ya!
