Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I'd like to thank Mary Hutchins, of "Visits with Mary" for choosing my blog as a recipient of this award!
I am certainly humbled and appreciative.  You would do well to visit her blog by going to this URL: http://www.visitswithmary.blogspot.com/
It has been obvious to me by the posts and comments she has shared that she has a true heart for the Lord and all things beautiful and pure.  Make sure you visit her site, it's beautiful!
In accordance with receiving this award, I am to share with you seven things about myself that you may not know............so here goes!

1.  When I began piano lessons at the age of 7, I never had to be prodded to practice----I found out that I was the exception to the rule after teaching piano for 30 years :)

2.  I love the Lord so much and am blessed beyond measure with His grace and mercy!

3.  I went to Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for ONE semester.......actually looking for a husband...lol.......when he was right back here where I grew up.  We met very shortly after I returned home and got a job as organist at the church he was attending.  I knew I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, for all the wrong reasons.  It wasn't until I said, "Lord, I gave my life to YOU, so I'm going home to serve you, and if you want me to get married, I will, if you don't, I won't."

4.  Now I know this may be weird, but I've always had a fascination with planes.........I love watching them take off and land.......

5.  I am the oldest of 3 siblings, two younger brothers.  It was hard being the oldest, because Momma and Daddy always left me "in charge" when they left the house.  Which, needless to say, was fruitless.  I tried Brubber and Gwee.....lol

6.  I don't know if you'd call me a "trekkie", but I have always been a Star Trek fan, all the way back from the first t.v. episodes, right down to the big movie sequels:)

7.  I tried my hand at planting gourds for the first time this past Summer.  It was very successful with varying shapes and sizes.......what I really want to plant is  GIANT PUMPKIN seeds and have a winner at the fair!

I've been asked to forward this "Stylish Blogger Award" on to 7 bloggers.  I'm not sure I can pick out 7 right at the moment, because I only have 11 followers right now, but these are the ones I have picked to receive the "Stylish Blogger Award":

Toyin O.  is a special lady with a beautiful testimony.  She has great insight into God's Word and it's evident she wants to glorify Him in everything she does.  Please visit her blog, she has some wonderfully thoughtful posts!

Here is a beautiful young mother with 5 children making her way one day at a time with God's help.  She's more talented than you can imagine.  She is homeschooling her children and has a real heart for Christ's will in her life :)

Laura is a wonderful author and a woman of great faith in the Lord.  She has a special gift when it comes to penning her words.......they fall like liquid gold!

This lady's name is Joy and she certainly lives up to her name!  Her blog is a sheer joy to go to and so colorful, refreshing, with lots of tidbits about life and her family.  It is, indeed, a JOYful experience to visit her blog.  Joy, you may already have this award, but you got it again!

All to whom I send this award to, please follow the instructions as were sent to me.  Tell 7 things about yourself that probably your readers do not know.  AND, by sending it on to 7 more bloggers that you feel warrant this award.........thx:)

Again, thank you Mary for thinking of me as a recipient of the Stylish Bloggers Award!


  1. Hi Kathy,

    It was so nice getting to know you, what an awesome testimony you have. I love your honesty and transperancy:) You are a trekky, what a cool grandma you are:) Anyway, I am so humbled and honored by this award. Thank you so much for thinking of me. xoxo

  2. Congratulations on your award and your Birthday...May God continue to walk wih you closely and may you continue to be a bright light..God bless Patricia..I love the photo's

  3. Hi Lady! Thanks for the award... lesseee....7 things...hmmm... will have to think about that.

  4. Thank you, Mimi, for this award and for your kind words! thank you so much. It was fun to read more about you. I would love to hear you play piano sometime :)

  5. Well deserved award...enjoy it mimito.

  6. Hi there!! I found you through the comment you on the post about if your not baptized you dont go to heaven.. I totally Loved yout comment!!
    I just also left him on saying .. well if that was the case what about the thief on the cross?
    He didnt get baptized and he still entered paradise.

    I also saw that you are from Western NC!
    I will be moving to a little town called Saluda soon!! :) have you heard of it? When we get there we want to start attending Trinity Baptist with pastor Ralph Sexton.. We watch Him VIA internet every week!

    Hope you are having a blessed day!
    Your Newest follower

  7. Hi Keren, welcome! So nice of you to decide to follow my blog. I certainly don't have all the answers but I know the ONE who does! And yes! I know where Saluda is, not very far from Arden where I live. We also have listened to Rev. Ralph Sexton and love him.......he's truly an anointed man of God:) Maybe someday the Lord will allow us to meet, hope so! God bless you as you enjoy the new Lord's Day :)
